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Title IX

Reporting Procedures

Harassment and Sexual Assault Reporting Procedures

At York Technical College (YTC), students, faculty, staff, and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of gender and sex-based discrimination, examples of which include sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others.

Faculty and staff are obligated to immediately report to the Title IX Coordinator any incidents covered under Title IX that are brought to their attention.

Students experiencing incidents of sexual harassment or sexual assault including dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking have options in how they choose to report and/or seek out assistance at the College:

  1. Law Enforcement and Safety Officers are located on the campus and will pursue any reports as they pertain to the laws of South Carolina. To contact Campus police call (803) 981-7063 or (803) 327-8013 or email Chief, Brian Perry at


  1. Counseling and Support Services has licensed counselors available in building J to meet with students confidentially to listen and review options and resources. Counselors are not under the obligation to report to the Title IX Coordinator incidents brought forward unless the student wishes to do so. To contact a college counselor call 803-327-8007, email or go in person to Counseling and Support Services in Building J.


  1. Title IX Coordinator is obligated to investigate Title IX related reports as per the College’s Student Code Procedures for Addressing Alleged Acts of Sexual harassment under Title IX. To contact James Robson, Title IX Coordinator and Dean for Student Engagement call 803-327-8007, email or go in person to Building J-107. To Contact Koa Morgan, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Vice President for Human Resources call 803-981-7162, email at or in person at Building H-1.

Once the Title IX Coordinator receives a report, an investigation will be conducted to determine appropriate follow-up and if any violations of YTC’s policies and procedures have occurred. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent that the institution can still provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, faculty, staff, and administrators. YTC Policies & Procedures, which relate to this information, can be found here and here for students. The procedures for employees can be found in Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Sexual Misconductand also Sexual Harassment Under Title IX.

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary actions imposed for sexual assault and sexual harassment offenses vary according to the severity of the conduct and may include suspension or expulsion of a student or termination of employment for a faculty or staff member. Due process under established college disciplinary procedures will be afforded to all parties. Both the complainant and the respondent have the right to an advisor, but solely for offering advice and support. Both parties will be notified of the resolution of any disciplinary proceedings and both parties have the right to appeal. All procedures are found in the Student Code Procedures for Addressing Alleged Acts of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

Reporting to the Police

Following an incident, victims are encouraged to make a report to a campus police officer, or to the local police. This action does not obligate prosecution, but it does make legal action possible if the decision to prosecute is made at a later date. The earlier an incident is reported, the easier it is to collect valuable evidence. Incidents should also be reported to a Title IX Coordinator who will assist in obtaining assistance for the victim. Police officers will aid the victim in completing the report. Off-campus incidents should be reported to the police in whose jurisdiction it occurred as well as to a College official. YTC is committed to making every effort to see that the victim is offered medical and psychological care as well as informed about prosecuting the suspect through the criminal court’s legal system and YTC’s policies and procedures.

Law Enforcement and Safety believes any victim deserves the right to a professional investigation. Victims are often confused and not sure if they wish to report the incident. Reporting the assault to the police and obtaining medical attention are not synonymous with criminal prosecution. The victim retains the right not to pursue criminal prosecution even if these steps are taken. Even if the victim decides not to pursue charges, reporting the assault is a step in regaining a sense of personal control. Providing information about the assault may help someone else avoid becoming a victim. The Title IX Coordinator will aid victims in arranging for medical care and contacting counseling and other resources that are available. All members of Law Enforcement and Safety will treat the victim and the case with sensitivity and professionalism and will be available to answer questions and explain the processes involved. Law Enforcement and Safety will refer the case to local authorities, if the assault happened off-campus, to investigate the case, which may result in an arrest and prosecution of a suspect. Finally, the victim will be kept up-to-date on the progress of the investigation or prosecution as well as their rights and options.