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Title IX

Training and Programs

Training and Programs

College employees regularly participate in Title IX training as a part of a larger effort of the South Carolina Technical College System to further educate college faculty and staff of their obligations to report allegations of inappropriate or threatening conduct. Questions related to Employee Training should be addressed to the Title IX Coordinator at at 803-327-8007 or Deputy Title IX Coordinator at at 803-981-7162.

Title IX Staff Training

Title IX Staff (Coordinators, Investigators, etc.) are required to receive specialized training on dealing with reports of sexual discrimination. The content of that training is available at the links below:


Student Training

In order to ensure compliance with Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which amends the Clery Act, York Technical College offers students interactive online workshops, through Vector Safe Colleges platform, each semester to further educate students regarding the definitions of consent, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking. In addition, these workshops include information pertaining to Title IX and Bystander Intervention.

In compliance with Title IX (Non-Discrimination) and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act), which strengthens measures to prevent sexual violence on college campuses, York Technical College provides this interactive training workshop for its students. This online course contains interesting, real-life college situations and guidance on how to respond to some challenging situations. There is no extra cost to you to participate in this workshop. We encourage all YTC students complete the workshop. It only takes about 20 minutes.

To begin, please click on the sign-in link:

Questions related to required student training should be addressed to the Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator at or 803-327-8007 or Deputy Title IX Coordinator at at 803-981-7162.