Title IX
Frequently Asked Questions
Title IX Frequently Asked Questions
Here are things you need to know about Title IX
- Title IX is a landmark federal civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in education.
- Title IX does not apply to female students only.
- Schools must be proactive in ensuring that your campus is free of sex discrimination.
- Schools must have an established procedure for handling complaints of sexual discrimination, harassment or violence.
- Schools should ensure that a victim doesn't have to share spaces, such as dorms, classes and campus jobs, with his/her assailant.
- Schools may not retaliate against someone filing a complaint and must keep a complainant-victim safe from other retaliatory harassment or behavior.
- Schools can issue a no-contact directive under Title IX to prevent the accused student from approaching or interacting with you.
- In cases of sexual violence, schools are prohibited from encouraging or allowing mediation (rather than a formal hearing) of the complaint.
- Schools cannot discourage you from continuing your education.
- Title IX also protects pregnant and parenting students from discrimination against them.
The following are examples of behaviors considered to be a violation of Title IX:
- Sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, or domestic violence
- An employee of the college who demands sexual favors of a student in exchange for a particular grade, service, or benefit.
- Unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would judge to be severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive and denies a person equal access to an education program. It involves a pattern of behavior that may include:
- Pressure for sexual activity or sexual favors
- Unwelcome touching, hugging, stroking, or squeezing
- Sexual language, jokes, or comments
- Sexually explicit questions
- Displaying or sending sexually suggestive electronic content, including but not limited to emails, text messages, etc.
- Comments or statements that are demeaning, humiliating, suggestive, insulting, vulgar, crude, or lewd
The College utilizes both informal and formal procedures for resolving sexual harassment complaints. We encourage early reporting of concerns or complaints regarding sexual harassment because complaints are most effectively resolved at the earliest possible stage. Resolution options depend on the circumstances and may include education programs for particular individuals and mediation between the parties only if both desire mediation. Where informal resolution is unsuccessful or inappropriate, a formal complaint may be filed and a formal investigation undertaken. There is no prescribed sequence, so choosing one option first does not prevent a complainant from choosing a different option for resolution later on. Individuals may get advice or assistance without filing a complaint.
Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will initiate an investigation that will lead to a hearing where evidence is presented and both parties are questioned. The preponderance of evidence is the standard used to evaluate the evidence for purposes of making findings and drawing conclusions for the investigation. Contact the Title IX Coordinator or review the Student Code Procedure for Addressing Alleged Acts of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment located on the Consumer Information page of the College’s website for details regarding the process.
You have the following rights:
- The right to confront the harasser and inform him/her that their conduct is unwelcome
- The right to file a report or file a formal complaint (Title IX Coordinator)
- The right to information about the investigation and resolution process (Title IX Coordinator)
- The right to have the complaint and related information shared only with those who "need to know" for the College to take your desired action
- The right to receive confidential counseling and supportive services
- The right to be free from retaliation
Yes. Targets of sexual harassment or sexual assault are welcome to report the sexual harassment or sexual assault to College police and/or off-campus police, particularly if the individual desires prosecution through the criminal justice system.
The college will protect Complainants’ privacy to the extent possible under the law. However, once a formal complaint is filed, due process will require disclose of information to persons accused. An individual cannot remain anonymous when filing a formal complaint. However, we will only provide information to those involved in the process.
In certain cases, if the Title IX Coordinator is aware of sexual discrimination that has occurred, the college may investigate without a formal complaint in order to protect the safety of other members of our community.
Any student or employee who experiences sexual harassment (including sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or sexual violence), harassment, or discrimination on the basis of sex is encouraged to contact one of the following coordinators:
Title IX Coordinator(s)
James Robson
Title IX Coordinator
Dean for Student Engagement
Building J-107
Koa Morgan
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Building H-1