Attend York Technical College at Little to No Cost
We're committed to helping you get through college without financial burden. We have grants and scholarships designed to remove barriers to your education. Whether you're a first-generation student, a veteran, a high schooler, or an adult venturing into or returning to college, financial support, without repayment, is waiting for you. Below you'll find a list of financial aid opportunities that could lead to a debt free education. Don’t let the cost of college stop you from attending – we have funds available to help.
Apply to the College
If you haven't already, be sure to Apply
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
The FAFSA will tell you how much money you are eligible for. YTC School Code: 003996
Submit a Scholarship Foundation Application
After applying and completing the FAFSA, apply for our numerous scholarship opportunities.
Our Team Will Help You Find Answers
Have questions or need assistance with financial aid? Contact us, and our team of experts will be ready to assist.
In addition to scholarships through the York Technical College Foundation, you may be eligible for additional funding through the programs listed below. You do not need to submit a separate application for these scholarships and grants, as long as you complete the steps listed above.
Scholarships are awards that do not have to be paid back and are based on student performance and talent. Some scholarships consider financial need when determining eligibility.
The York Technical College Foundation was established in 1983 as a not-for-profit foundation organized under South Carolina law and is fiscally and organizationally separate from York Technical College.
The Foundation offers thousands of dollars in scholarships each year to students who meet a variety of criteria. Apply now for the chance to save thousands on your education.
SC WINS is a statewide technical college scholarship program designed to address workforce shortages in South Carolina. The scholarship covers any remaining tuition and instructional fees left after applying all other scholarships or grants.
Students enrolled in career and technical programs at York Technical College are eligible for the SC WINS Scholarship. Students enrolled in University Transfer AA and AS programs, as well as personal interest non-credit courses, are not eligible for SC WINS. Students can receive the SC WINS for only one certificate, diploma or degree unless the additional certificate, diploma or degree constitutes progress in the same field of study.
Qualifying students must:
- Be a South Carolina resident
- Be enrolled in an eligible program
- Have completed the 24-25 FAFSA
- Not be in default on a Federal Student Loan
- Completed the SC Wins Affidavit
- This form will be sent to the student once they have been awarded.
- This form will be sent to the student once they have been awarded.
GPA/Continued Eligibility
All credit-seeking students must maintain a 2.0 GPA each academic year.
Covered Expenses
Recipients can receive up to $5,000 per academic year after applying all other scholarships
or grants. The scholarship may cover the cost of tuition and instructional course
*Course materials, text, uniforms, and tools are not covered by SC WINS.
Initial eligibility for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship is determined by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE). A student’s high school guidance counselor submits an application on their behalf to CHE if eligibility requirements are met. Freshmen receive up to $6,700 and second-year students receive up to $7,500. Palmetto Fellows recipients are not eligible for LIFE or Lottery Tuition Assistance.
The Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program administered by the financial aid office at each eligible public and independent college and university in South Carolina. At technical colleges LIFE Scholarship may be used towards the cost of tuition and fees for up to four terms based on the student's initial college enrollment date. (**Note that students enrolled in Dental Hygiene, Medical Lab, Rad Tech, Nursing, and Automotive Technology programs may receive LIFE for a maximum of six terms**) Students must be enrolled in their first one-year program, first associate’s degree, or first two-year program leading to a baccalaureate degree. The annual award amount for LIFE is $5,000. LIFE recipients are not eligible for Lottery Tuition Assistance or Palmetto Fellows.
The SC Lottery Tuition Assistance Program was created to provide a supplemental resource to South Carolina residents at two-year public or independent institutions. Lottery Tuition Assistance award amounts vary as determined by CHE and can change each term and/or academic year. For the 2023-2024 academic year, eligible full-time students may receive up to $1,200 per semester and eligible students enrolled in at least six credit hours may receive $80 per credit hour to be used toward the cost of tuition.
*Occasionally, you might have to pay back part or all of a grant if, for example, you withdraw from school before finishing an enrollment period such as a semester.
Financial assistance for undergraduates with financial need who have not received a bachelor’s or professional degree.
Who is eligible?
All current and prospective undergraduate students who meet financial eligibility, academic progress requirements and are enrolled in an eligible academic program. Less than half-time students may qualify. Applicants must satisfy criteria regarding selective service, criminal record and loan defaults.
How to Apply
Provides grants for undergraduates with the lowest Expected Family Contributions and gives priority to students receiving PELL Grant Awards.
Who is eligible?
All current and prospective undergraduate students who meet financial eligibility, academic progress requirements and are enrolled in an eligible academic program. Less than half-time students may qualify. Applicants must satisfy criteria regarding selective service, criminal record and loan defaults.
How to Apply
The purpose of the SC Need-Based Grant is to provide additional financial aid to South Carolina’s low income students. A student may receive up to $3,500 annually if enrolled full-time or up to $1,750 annually if enrolled part-time as a degree-seeking student at an eligible SC public institution.
Who is eligible?
All current and prospective undergraduate students who meet financial eligibility, academic progress requirements and are enrolled in an eligible academic program. Less than half-time students may qualify. Applicants must satisfy criteria regarding selective service, criminal record and loan defaults.
How to Apply
Student Jobs
Federal Work Study programs allow students to work part-time to earn money for school.
Provides part-time jobs to financially eligible undergraduates. Students may work 15 -20 hours a week. Employment is determined by academic progress, class schedule, and total award. Awards depend on availability of funds. Jobs may be on-campus or off-campus.
Who is eligible?
Students enrolled at least half-time.
How to apply
Fill out a FAFSA
Loans are money that must be repaid with interest. Student loans can also come from the federal government, your state government, college or career school, or private sources, such as a bank or financial institution.
For information on student loans, visit the Student Loans Page

Veteran Benefits and Financial Aid
York Technical College is approved by South Carolina for the training of eligible Veterans and children and spouses of disabled or deceased Veterans in a variety of college-related programs.
To determine your benefit eligibility, apply online through the Department of Veteran Affairs.
For additional questions, email:

The South Carolina National Guard College Assistance Program (SCNG CAP) offers financial assistance to members of the South Carolina Army and Air National Guard by providing incentives for enlisting or remaining for a specified time. SCNG CAP is administered by the Commission on Higher Education along with the South Carolina National Guard. Army National Guard SCNG CAP recipients may receive up to a maximum of $5,500 enrolled in a two-year or four-year program at eligible SC Institutions per academic year. Air National Guard SCNG CAP recipients may receive up to a maximum of $11,000 per academic year if enrolled in a two-year program at two-year or four-year eligible SC Institutions OR a maximum of $5,500 at eligible SC four-year Institutions per academic year. These SCNG CAP benefits can be awarded up to the cost of attendance as defined by Title IV regulation. However, the benefit maximum per award year will be reduced if, in combination with other financial aid, the cumulative total of all aid received exceeds the cost of attendance.
Discover Additional Veteran Benefits
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