We transform Lives and Elevate our Communities Through the Fearless Pursuit of Excellence
in Student Success.
We will be the best-in-class educational choice for individuals, families and partners
by providing exceptional learning experiences and outstanding service delivered with
pride and a spirit for innovation.
We pursue excellence in student success, community partnerships and economic development; we have the courage to build a community of authenticity and trust with one another.
We cultivate a community of care and compassion.
We move beyond the known and comfortable to better understand and meet the needs of
our community and to elevate our relationships with our colleagues.
We champion diversity as allies and foster a culture of inclusion.
We relentlessly pursue our vision by leading with and honoring our strengths and those
of our colleagues.
Before implementing new College initiatives or making significant College decisions,
we should be able to answer ‘yes’ to all of the following questions:
Is it right for our students?
Is it right for our College community?
Is it sustainable?
Is it equitable?
2024-2025 College Goals
The following is a set of College goals, determined by College leadership, for the
2023-2024 academic year in cross-divisional collaboration. Each goal should fall
clearly within one of the College’s seven strategic themes. The majority of goals
for the upcoming year fall under three strategic pillars: Front Porch, Strengths, and Wellness. These will then lend themselves to college workgroups where needed, division-level
goals, department excellence plans and further individual planning for the coming
We provide best-in-class customer service to our community and our strategic partners;
we provide excellent customer service to one another in an environment of respect,
care and accountability.
FRONT PORCH Establish a Data/Applications Governance Team with cross-college representation in
Fall 2024. The Team will be tasked with articulating and executing governing principles
for software purchases and data access. Responsibility: Information Services, Office for Institutional Excellence
FRONT PORCH Increase the efficiency of college processes through first documenting and optimizing
existing processes, and then automating them. Beginning in the Fall 2024, the initial
focus will be on Personnel Requisition, Personnel Action Form, On-Boarding, and Payroll.
Responsibility: Information Services, Human Resources, Business Services
FRONT PORCH Advance the College’s Front Port Integration project. Areas to be addressed in Fall
2024/Spring 2025 include: Advance Website, college wide CRM, SIS, Reporting Initiatives,
etc. Responsibility: Information Services
Complete responses to fall SACSCOC standards by December 2024. All responses will
be drafted with evidentiary documentation linked into the Reaffirmation Report. Reaffirmation
Report will be ready for review in January/February 2025 and submitted by March 1,
2025. Responsibility: Office for Institutional Excellence
FRONT PORCH Review student communications and touch points across student lifecycle. Identify
strengths, gaps, challenges and areas for improvement. Develop a comprehensive plan
that ensures clear, timely communication for all groups of students from prospect
to graduate by December 2024. Implement plan in stages beginning January 2025 and
extending through Summer 2025. Responsibility: Student Affairs
FRONT PORCH Work with the Service Excellence strategic workgroup to create and implement recommendations
for the College’s next steps toward the vision to be the “best in class” or “best
of the best” as it relates to customer service. Responsibility: President’s Office
Develop recommendations and present to college community by December 2024.
Begin implementation of action steps in January 2025.
FRONT PORCH Integrate SkillsUSA values and standards into academic affairs and competitions, enhancing student
career readiness, and fostering professional development among faculty and staff.
Responsibility: President’s Office, Student Affairs, Institute for Teaching Excellence
Skills USA Chapter leadership will develop chapter excellence plan by September 20,
2024, to reflect campus-wide participation in community and SkillsUSA events. (Presidential
Volunteer Service Award)
Skills USA advisors will work with the Institute for Teaching Excellence to integrate
SkillsUSA standards for programs participating in state competitions for IET, HHS,
BCAS, and WED (anticipating at least 20 programs) to provide faculty Professional
Development opportunities and integrate D2L SkillsUSA student activity by January
Skills USA advisors will prepare students for the South Carolina Skills & Leadership
Conference and Nationals. The SkillsUSA Leadership Chapter will conduct training sessions
on the SkillsUSA Technical Standards and Framework, specifically tailored for students
competing at the state level. These training sessions are scheduled for December 2024
and February 2025. Advisors are expected to become familiar with the Technical Standards
by November 2024 and identify students with potential for competition. By February
2025, each advisor should select a student to represent York Tech at the state competition.
The selection process will involve an in-house competition or an assignment arranged
by the advisor, which must be completed by February 2025. March 2-5, 2025, is the
state competition. Based on the results, our gold winners will qualify for Nationals
in June 2025. Each competition may have different needs based on competition, but
advisors will continue to provide training to the competitor.
Skills USA advisors will work with industry partners and Lowes to create a SkillsUSA
signing day for our graduates to be held in May 2025
FRONT PORCH Create Presidential Volunteer Service Awards. Responsibility: President’s Office, Student Affairs
The SkillsUSA chapter will team with Student life groups and the Foundation to volunteer
for community activities to unite students and YTC employees. To be completed by Feb
Develop and execute a two-year plan that enhances the mission and purpose of the Child
Development Center to be student-serving. By May 2026, the College must meet an enrollment
goal of at least 50% children of college students and be financially sustainable with
minimal investment from the College general fund. More specific milestone metrics
will be developed by September 30, 2024. Responsibility: President’s Office
We foster an inclusive and enriching learning environment that advances the success
of our diverse student body.
Implement a rotating schedule of DACUM reviews for academic areas. During Fall 2024,
academic areas will be surveyed about DACUM workshop preferences, and a rotating schedule
of reviews will be developed and published by the end of December 2024. DACUM workshops
will be conducted according to the schedule, with at least five active DACUM workshops
conducted and recorded by the end of the 2024-25 academic year. Responsibility: Office for Institutional Excellence
FRONT PORCH Develop a comprehensive course scheduling plan by May 2025. Responsibility: Academic Affairs
FRONT PORCH Adopt new catalog, curriculum, and scheduling software, and develop integrations
with other campus systems by summer 2025. Responsibility: Academic Affairs
Establish a General Education Committee to review general education policies, procedures,
and learning outcomes and provide a report and recommendations by May 2025. Responsibility: Academic Affairs
Deliver professional development, training, and resources for faculty on generative
artificial intelligence. Responsibility: Institutional Excellence/Institute for Teaching and Learning, Academic Affairs
We create and sustain flexible, forward-looking academic programs and student support
services that prepare students for a global and ever-changing environment
FRONT PORCH Develop college concept that starts the transition to use of skills and competencies
verses time and place as foundations to teaching and learning at York Technical College
by December 2025.
Prior Learning Assessment Responsibility: Academic Affairs and Student Affairs
Develop comprehensive plan for prior learning assessment (work with a committee, set
goals and action steps, begin implementation in Summer 2025.)
Military Credit Responsibility: Academic Affairs and Student Affairs
Review use of joint service transcripts for active and retired military personnel
by October 2024.
Define and Develop elements of a plan to ensure seamless transition from military
to York Technical College, honoring fully the skills, competencies and certifications
earned through military service and transcribing them for college credit wherever
reasonable and possible by January 2025.
Begin phased implementation of first steps in plan starting February 2025 and extending
to July 2025.
Competency based education Responsibility: Academic Affairs
Identify champions for competency-based education by October 2024.
Perform research and develop starting plan for York Tech to advance use of CBE by
January 2025.
Begin initial execution of plan in Summer-Fall 2025.
Increase Workforce and Economic Development student enrollment 10%by June 30th, 2025. Total enrollment for 2023-2024 is 1835. Expected enrollment
for WED in 24-25 will be 2019 students. Responsibility: Workforce and Economic Development
FRONT PORCH Implement 8 new programs in Workforce and Economic Development and degree programs
by the designated timeline below. Responsibility: Workforce and Economic Development, Academic Affairs
Siemens PLCFall 2024
Massage TherapyFall 2024
HVAC UpskillFall 2024
Master Haircare Spring 2025
Process Technician Spring 2025
EstheticianSummer/Fall 2025
Electric Vehicle Fall 2025
Additional Credit ProgramFall2025
FRONT PORCH Create a long-term (3-5 years) plan for implementing new Workforce and Credit Programs.
Examples of consideration may include Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism, Landscape
Design, etc. Plan drafted by summer 2025. Responsibility: Workforce and Economic Development, Academic Affairs
FRONT PORCH Increase participation for SkillsUSA singing day in May 2025 by at least 15% compared
to 2024. Responsibility: President’s Office, Workforce and Economic Development, Academic Affairs
We recognize our greatest strength lies in our people; we work together to ensure
an empowered, equitable, caring and accountable workplace for our faculty and staff
Identify and/or create an Employee Training Platform to coordinate various internal
training initiatives, including but not limited to those in the Institute for Teaching
Excellence and Human Resources. In Fall 2024, establish guidelines, identify options
for in-house training (e.g., Ed2go, WED, My Tech Success, Percipio, etc.) Select platform
in Spring 2025. Responsibility: Information Services, Office of Institutional Excellence, Human Resources
STRENGTHS Integrate a Strengths-based culture across the College by facilitating strengths
development and infusing a common strengths language into our organizational framework.
Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources (Collaborating Themes:The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, Our Embrace of Our Diverse Communities)
Distribute remaining 200 CliftonStrengths assessment codes to all employees by fall
Develop a framework for all college New Hires to complete the CliftonStrengths assessment
as part of the New Hire onboarding process.
Framework and possible new Gallup contract in place by summer 2025.
Promote the consistent use of strengths terminology college-wide through various forms
of communication, by encouraging employees to share their strengths profiles and incorporating
strengths discussions into team meetings and performance reviews.
STRENGTHS Identify and support a team of “Strengths Champions” to serve as facilitators and
advocates to further campus-wide understanding of the strengths-based approach. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources (Collaborating Themes: The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, Our Embrace of Our Diverse Communities)
Strengths Champions identified by end of fall term 2024.
Identify a basic training module that Strengths Champions may then tailor to a specific
need for training cohort groups as well as individuals seeking to better understand
their Strengths Assessment results.
Strengths Champions will lead cohort groups, at the request of managers, to delve
deeper into team dynamics and leveraging individual and collective strengths.
Highlight Strengths Champions quarterly in the College’s YTC News.
STRENGTHS Provide ongoing workshops and resources to deepen understanding and application of
strengths-based practices in daily work. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources, Institutional Excellence (Collaborating Themes: The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, Our Embrace of Our Diverse Communities)
Identify two training modules that can be accessed each fall and spring term by college
employees and completed at their own pace.
Encourage, through 1:1 conversations and the College’s YTC News, the utilization of
Strengths Champions to better understand individual and team strengths, overcome obstacles
and identify possible challenges before they occur.
STRENGTHS Regularly assess the impact of strengths-based initiatives on employee engagement,
satisfaction, and retention. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources, Office of Institutional Excellence (Collaborating Themes: The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, Our Embrace of Our Diverse Communities)
Conduct assessment follow-up survey in fall 2024, facilitated by Gallup.
Recognize and celebrate teams and individuals who exemplify the effective use of their
strengths in contributing to the college’s mission and goals.
STRENGTHS Enhance the professional skills and career development of college employees by integrating
SkillsUSA standards into professional development with ITE. Investigate opportunities
for instructors and students to participate in SkillsUSA. Completed by January 2025.
Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources, Institute for Teaching Excellence
Develop plan for a year-long President's Leadership Institute (PLI). The PLI is an
in-house leadership development opportunity for the College's emerging leaders aimed
at establishing a firm leadership succession plan at York Technical College. The
comprehensive plan will be developed by April 2025 with implementation in Summer 2025
and the first class starting in Fall 2025. Responsibility: President’s Office
We provide places where our students, employees, and partners feel comfort and safety
to excel in their pursuit of success; sustainable structures, equipment and services
enhance the success of our college communities.
Address needed improvements to the Data Center, including Cooling, Generator, “A”
Building Roof, UPS, Equipment shift to adjoining space. Establish a timeline for improvements
in Fall 2024 and begin implementation Fall 2024/Spring 2025. Responsibility: Information Services, Facilities (Collaborating Theme: The Services We Provide)
FRONT PORCH Update Wayfinding Signage at all Campus locations. Update interior signage for the
Rock Hill campus and Chester Center to be completed by June 30, 2025. Develop additional
exterior sign improvements for the Rock Hill campus, Chester Center, and Wilson Street
to be implemented in FY2026. Responsibility: Facilities
FRONT PORCH Engage a process to ensure effective change management at the College for creating
highly flexible and open concept working environments aimed at matching the College’s
vision for the future of teaching and learning. Responsibility: Facilities, President’s Office
Define process and consultant by August 2024.
Develop plan and execute change management processes through Fall 2024.
Utilize change management process and outcomes to influence internal design of buildings
H,K, the new Health Sciences building and all future building renovations.
FRONT PORCH Continue to develop plan to install access control on all building exterior entrance
doors. Assess buildings, acquire quotes, and begin implementation by January 2025.
Responsibility: Facilities
FRONT PORCH Continue Campus Master Plan Initiatives. Responsibility: Facilities
Complete Phase I design services of Bldg. H Renovation and submit for CHE Phase II
approval by September 13, 2024.
Hire architect by September 2, 2024, and construction services by October 14, 2024
to begin CM-R process to Renovate Bldg. K. Complete phase I services by April 15,
WELLNESS Continue to increase YTC Wellness opportunities at the College. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources
Avg. 3 Wellness Events each day by EOM May 2025 (21 Wellness Events per week)
200 total participants in all monthly activities by EOM May 2025
Plan and establish an outdoor activity space for students and community by EOM May
Incorporate health and wellness concepts into student communal spaces as well as faculty/staff
offices by EOM May 2025
Student Communal Space – Ex: Greenery, Social Space, Pop Up Events
Faculty/Staff Office – Ex: Standing Desks
We tell our story through innovative marketing and communication strategies; we each
take personal responsibility for openly communicating with our colleagues to build
a trusting and transparent community.
FRONT PORCH Identify plan, goals and action steps to ensure the website is consistent with the
front porch concept by November 2024. Begin implementation of action steps in January
2025. Responsibility: Communications and External Relations, Information Services, Academic and Student
Launch the 60th-anniversary campaign for York Technical College starting the week
of August 19th and running through the 2024-2025 year. Responsibility: Strategic Communications and Marketing
By September 1st, SCM will submit a detailed plan for events, which will be executed
throughout the 24-25 year. The campaign will celebrate the College's accomplishments
and raise awareness of its achievements, alumni, and students.
Success will be measured by the number of events held, attendance at these events,
and increased awareness, evidenced by higher enrollment and social media engagement.
FRONT PORCH Launch the College's mascot, Titan the Wolf, during the first week of classes with
celebratory events to engage students, staff, alumni, and the community. Responsibility: Strategic Communications and Marketing
Success will be measured through attendance at events, sales of related merchandise,
and social media engagement.
Continued promotion throughout the school year will include banners, signage, wolf
prints, social media posts, and community appearances.
This initiative aims to boost school spirit and foster community engagement, ensuring
the mascot becomes a recognized and permanent college symbol. Baseline data will
be set during the 24-25 year to measure the success of the campaign.
Refine and implement a robust fundraising plan to include diverse campaigns, donor
stewardship and retention, and activities to engage new donors to grow base of financial
support. Responsibility: College Advancement, Foundation
Complete Campaign Readiness and Foundation Board Evaluation to determine timeline
and feasibility for a new comprehensive campaign.
Increase Board members giving participation rate to 90%.
Develop a first-time donors’ recognition and stewardship plan to retain 25% of first-time
student and young alumni donors.
Activate new three-year strategic plan for the York Technical College Foundation.
Responsibility: College Advancement, Foundation
Identify and activate strategic plan priority area champions for the approved strategic
plan with a minimum of two Board members per priority area and a minimum of two meetings
per priority area per year.
Create and deploy a self-assessment survey for current Board members to evaluate their
engagement levels and community connections.
Develop and implement metrics to evaluate new candidates for Board service.
We infuse diversity, equity and inclusion into all college operations and aspirations
including, but not limited to:
Our decision-making;
Our employee hiring and retention practices;
Our student success efforts;
Our policies and procedures;
Our strategic planning goals.
This strategic theme collaborates with other strategic themes in its implementation.
Collaborative goals for the 2024 - 2025 year are listed below:
STRENGTHS Integrate a Strengths-based culture across the College by facilitating strengths
development and infusing a common strengths language into our organizational framework.
Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources (Collaborating Themes:The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, The Cultivation of Our Workforce)
Distribute remaining 200 CliftonStrengths assessment codes to all employees by fall
Develop a framework for all college New Hires to complete the CliftonStrengths assessment
as part of the New Hire onboarding process.
Framework and possible new Gallup contract in place by summer 2025.
Promote the consistent use of strengths terminology college-wide through various forms
of communication, by encouraging employees to share their strengths profiles and incorporating
strengths discussions into team meetings and performance reviews.
STRENGTHS Identify and support a team of “Strengths Champions” to serve as facilitators and
advocates to further campus-wide understanding of the strengths-based approach. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources (Collaborating Themes: The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, The Cultivation of Our Workforce)
Strengths Champions identified by end of fall term 2024.
Identify a basic training module that Strengths Champions may then tailor to a specific
need for training cohort groups as well as individuals seeking to better understand
their Strengths Assessment results.
Strengths Champions will lead cohort groups, at the request of managers, to delve
deeper into team dynamics and leveraging individual and collective strengths.
Highlight Strengths Champions quarterly in the College’s YTC News.
STRENGTHS Provide ongoing workshops and resources to deepen understanding and application of
strengths-based practices in daily work. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources, Institutional Excellence (Collaborating Themes: The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, The Cultivation of Our Workforce)
Identify two training modules that can be accessed each fall and spring term by college
employees and completed at their own pace.
Encourage, through 1:1 conversations and the College’s YTC News, the utilization of
Strengths Champions to better understand individual and team strengths, overcome obstacles
and identify possible challenges before they occur.
STRENGTHS Regularly assess the impact of strengths-based initiatives on employee engagement,
satisfaction, and retention. Responsibility: President’s Office, Human Resources, Office of Institutional Excellence (Collaborating Themes: The Services We Provide, Our Campus Environment, Our Communication Strategies, The Cultivation of Our Workforce)
Conduct assessment follow-up survey in fall 2024, facilitated by Gallup.
Recognize and celebrate teams and individuals who exemplify the effective use of their
strengths in contributing to the college’s mission and goals.