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Online Courses for Out-of-State Students

York Technical College is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Students applying to take one or more distance education courses who reside outside the state of S.C. can be residents in any U.S. state or territory, excluding California. 

  • All U.S. states and territories except California are covered by our participation in NC-SARA.  
  • We can offer distance education to students in other U.S. states and territories, except California, with no additional permissions. 
  • Students who live outside the U.S. or its territories must be referred to the Institute for Teaching Excellence, which will make a determination about the student’s course participation.  
  • YTC must track students who take exclusively distance education courses and report in which state or territory they reside. 

Military students whose permanent residence is in the U.S. but who are stationed outside the U.S. or its territories may not be eligible to take distance education courses.  

If a student moves outside of South Carolina while attending York Technical College, it is the student’s responsibility to update their information with York Technical College by contacting the Academic Records Office at or (803) 327-8000. Questions about state authorization should be directed to:

Krista Rinehart 
Associate Dean 
Institute for Teaching Excellence 
452 Anderson Rd. S | Rock Hill SC 29730 
Phone: 803.981.7129