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Parents & Families of York Tech Students

There is no doubt that earning an college education will be one of the most important investments your family will make. We know that you probably have many questions about how your student will transition from high school to college. We understand. Know that York Technical College is committed to the success of our students and that we take ownership in helping each student achieve his or her educational goals.

campus life

We hope you find the following information helpful as your family makes decisions on your student's future educational and career paths. Feel free to contact Enrollment Services to speak with a counselor if you need further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we consider York Technical College?
A degree, diploma or certificate at York Technical College will give your student special skills and practical knowledge in fields such as industrial and engineering technology, health and human services, information technology, business administration, and other fields. York Technical College was founded in 1964 to help students prepare for careers that are in high demand in South Carolina and across the country. Most students are eligible for some type of financial assistance through federal grants and/or state scholarships. Your student can earn a marketable degree and be ready for a great paying job, with a minimum investment of time and money.

Shouldn't students complete at least a four-year degree to be competitive in today's job market?
The majority of jobs in South Carolina - nearly 85 percent - can be reached through a technical education. Industry experts agree that at least 65 percent of future jobs will require specific or occupational training, not a four-year degree. Programs of study at York Technical College prepare graduates in fields where job growth is expected. In fact, one of the fastest-growing categories of students in technical colleges are graduates of four-year colleges who are re-enrolling to acquire the skills that employers are demanding. 

Our student is considering a four-year college.  What are the advantages of starting at York Technical College?
If a four-year (bachelor's) degree is your student's goal, getting started at York Technical College is a great first step. You wouldn't believe how much money you will save if your student completes his or her first two years of education at York Technical College and then transfers to the four-year institution of his/her choice. Many students find it advantageous to begin their college education while still living at home. Studies show that many students who complete their first year or two at a junior college actually perform better academically than students who started at a four-year college. Your student will benefit from well-qualified faculty who must meet the same academic standards as those teaching in four-year colleges and universities in South Carolina. In many cases, your student's classes will be considerably smaller than those at a four-year college. Going to college can be quite an adjustment, and smaller classes are a real plus when students find they need a little extra help. 

How can we ensure that our student will be taking the right courses to transfer?
York Technical College and the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education work together continually to improve opportunities for transfer of course credits to the public four-year colleges and universities in our state. Students can enter York Technical College's Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degree programs with the knowledge that, by working with a University Transfer advisor in selecting appropriate courses, they can arrange an individualized program for transfer. Individual articulation agreements are established directly with some local colleges. A student planning to transfer should meet with a University Transfer advisor to plan appropriate course work at York Technical College.

What is our first step in applying for financial aid?
All students should complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The main purpose of this form is to assess your student's eligibility for the federal PELL Grant. This is the largest source of financial aid in the U.S.

Why should we submit the FAFSA?
The only way to know for sure if your student will be eligible for the PELL Grant is to submit the FAFSA. Also, submission of the FAFSA is a requirement for S.C. Lottery Tuition Assistance (LTA), which could cover over half of your student's tuition.

Our student will graduate from a S.C. high school with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.  Will he/she automatically be eligible for the LIFE Scholarship?
The LIFE Scholarship requires enrollment in at least 12 credit hours of non-remedial coursework in a semester. If your student needs remedial courses based upon his/her placement test scores, his/her eligibility for the LIFE Scholarship may be delayed during the completion of these courses. 

What is dual enrollment, and why should our high school student consider participating? 
Dual Enrollment is a program for students who are enrolled in college classes while still in high school, thereby receiving both high school credit and college credit. Dual Enrollment is available to eligible juniors or seniors who obtain written permission from a parent and their school. A recent study by the Community College Research Center shows that once in college, students who had taken dual enrollment courses earned higher grade point averages (GPA) and persisted in completing a college credential at a rate greater than their peers.

Our student needs additional credits to graduate from high school and wants to enroll in York Technical College courses for this purpose.  Can you tell me what courses will meet the graduation requirements for his/her school?
Only your school can determine what courses will meet the requirements for high school graduation. Be sure to discuss your student's situation with his/her counselor.

Our student took the SAT and/or ACT.  Does he/she have to take the York Technical College placement test?
It depends on the scores. Contact Enrollment Services for more information. 

Is the College placement test pass/fail?
No. The purpose of the placement test is to determine the student's most appropriate level of English, Math, and Reading courses to begin the program of study. 

We home-school.  Is there anything different we will need to do to enroll our student?
The steps to admission for home school students and public school students are the same: Steps to Enroll