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York Technical College Announces Survey for New Mascot

Aug 29, 2023news

Special Announcement

York Technical College is excited to announce the launch of a college-wide survey aimed at selecting a College mascot. The college community, including students, alumni, faculty, and staff, will play an integral role in determining the identity that will capture the spirit of York Technical College for years to come.

We are happy to share that the mascot options have been narrowed down to the York Technical College Blue Wolf and the York Technical College Gryphon. To ensure a true representation of the college's collective voice, the survey invites active participation from the York Technical College community. Your valuable input will not only shape the identity of the college but also contribute to the legacy that future generations will proudly carry forward.

The survey will be open from August 28th until September 12th. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni will receive the survey by email this week. Each survey option is complete with a backstory, mascot designs, and examples of the mascot on collateral, merchandise, etc.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who will contribute their thoughts and make their voices heard. We are thrilled to be giving our campus community a chance to shape our identity forever.