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Welding & Automotive Departments Create Sign for Northwestern High School

Jun 12, 2023news

NHS Sign Donation

Last semester, on behalf of the Northwestern High School soccer team, Malcolm Little (pictured on the far right) reached out to York Technical College's Welding Department and suggested the creation of a large metal sign to complement the new soccer field entranceway at the school.

Without hesitation, students and staff in both the Welding Department and Automotive Department jumped at the opportunity to partner with a local high school and encourage community development. Throughout the process, students gained valuable custom fabrication and welding experience, and the College earned the chance to strengthen relationships within the community with a design that Northwestern can be proud of.

When asked about what this project meant to them, York Tech faculty responded, "It's always great for our students to be able to venture outside of the typical 'welding lab' setting and work on projects that get them involved with our community. Working on this sign for Northwestern High School allowed our students the opportunity to let their creative juices flow and create a piece of art that they can be proud of for years to come."

We are grateful to have the opportunity to support our local schools and look forward to cheering on Northwestern soccer in the coming year.