York Technical College is honored that you have chosen us for your education. We thank
you for your service to our country and want you to know that your satisfaction and
success at YTC is important to us.
If you are a Veteran, we are here to help you successfully transition from military
life to civilian life. If you are currently serving, we want to help you balance your
Are you just considering YTC? Check out the links below to learn more about the application
process and the different programs and classes available to help you achieve your
Student Veteran & Military Center is located in J-301. You are welcome to use this
space to study, relax, or meet with others. There are computers, a printer, and a
coffee/tea/snack bar. There is a QR code on the door to sign-in to let us know you
visited. We hope you check out this great space that is just for our Veteran and military
affiliated students.
Clubs and Organizations
Are you looking to join a club and learn more about what you can do beyond your classes?
Learn more about our student clubs and organizations below!
“Military Crosswalk” is a feature of PathwayU that assists Veterans and active-duty
members of the military with the transition to civilian life through career exploration.
Enter your Military Occupation Classification (MOC) codes to search for careers related
to your military positions aligned by responsibilities, training, skills, education,
and experience.
Need some help with your classes? Need to talk with someone about health, personal,
or academic issues? YTC offers a variety of support services to help you address any
need or obstacle. The following sites will tell you more about what is provided and
how to access these services.
Having trouble connecting with a resource you need on campus or getting the answer
to a question?
Email Christie Williams, Director of Counseling, Accessibility, and Support Services
(CASS), at cwilliams3@yorktech.edu. She can connect you with the YTC faculty/staff member who can best assist you.
You can also reach out to Christie Williams if you are interested in being connected
with a Veteran/military faculty or staff member who can be a mentor for you.
Upcoming Deployment?
Have you learned of an upcoming deployment that will impact you in your current or
upcoming classes? Complete the following form and someone will reach out to you by
email to discuss your needs and communicate with your instructors on your behalf.