Mission Statement
The Diploma in Applied Science major in Practical Nursing prepares graduates for work
as a licensed practical nurse. Job opportunities include hospitals, skilled nursing
facilities, doctors' offices, schools, home health, and community health agencies.
People who want to help others lead healthy lives and have strong science and math
skills may be interested in this program.
The graduate of the Practical Nursing Program functions in three basic roles within
the healthcare delivery system, which is the framework for the nursing program: provider
of care; manager of care; and member within the discipline. The graduate will also
be able to demonstrate the learning outcomes essential to nursing practice within
these roles which include caring for patients across the lifespan while integrating
cultural diversity, use of therapeutic communication, critical thinking, teaching
and learning principles, professional behaviors, using the nursing process to manage
patient care within the legal and ethical boundaries of the profession in a variety
of clinical and community settings.
Student Learning Outcomes
Objective: To function in the roles of Provider of Care, Manager of Care, and Member within
the Discipline of nursing by utilizing the following qualities essential to nursing
- Caring - Demonstrates, supports, and delegates concepts of caring and holism when providing
care to a group of patients across the lifespan.
- Communication - Demonstrates the ability to use effective communication skills while interacting
with patients, peers, faculty, and other healthcare professionals to achieve positive
patient outcomes.
- Critical Thinking - Demonstrates critical thinking skills and implements accurate and appropriate clinical
decisions that support positive patient outcomes.
- Teaching & Learning - Demonstrates the appropriate selection and use of principles of teaching and learning
to promote, facilitate, maintain, and restore optimal patient health.
- Professional Behaviors - Functions in and evaluates the role of the registered nurse while providing holistic
care to patients across the lifespan
- Nursing Process - Demonstrates clinical decision-making skills using the nursing process during the
delivery of patient care and implements an accurate and comprehensive nursing care
plan that involves advanced assessments utilizing functional health patterns, appropriate
goals, appropriate interventions, and evaluation of the plan of care.
Program Outcomes
- The program's most recent annual licensure examination pass rate will be at least
80% for all first-time test-takers during the 12-month period of January 1 to December
- 25% of students who begin in NUR 206-ADN will complete the program within five semesters,
which is on time for the ADN program.
- Ninety percent (90%) of ADN graduates will report employment as a Registered Nurse
within 12 months of graduation.
Review the ADN Student Achievement Data