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Front side of the Chester Center

Chester Center

Conveniently located in your backyard.

Nursing Students in the lab

Chester Center

Conveniently located in your backyard.

Student Welding

Chester Center

Conveniently located in your backyard.

Instructor Teaching Students

Chester Center

Conveniently located in your backyard.

Line Worker Training Site

Chester Center

Conveniently located in your backyard.

Welcome to the Chester Center of York Tech

Interested in expanding your knowledge? Or, maybe you're currently taking online courses at York Tech, but don't want to miss out on learning in a traditional classroom setting. The York Technical College Chester Center brings quality higher education a few miles closer to students who live in Chester County. You'll find state-of-the-art classrooms, useful student resources, as well as our helpful staff who are here to support you. Learn more about how you can take advantage of the Chester Center, and the benefits of having a home base for learning closer to home.

York Tech Meets You Where You Are

Online courses are a great way to further your education without having to leave your home. However, we understand that many students prefer the in-person experience of learning in a physical classroom. That's why we offer a wide variety of quality courses and student services at the Chester Center, designed to enhance the learning experience of student residents in Chester County. Read on to find out how you can take advantage of in-person learning, just minutes from your front door!

Apply to York Tech Today!

Take Your Courses at the Chester Center

chester center class space

The following programs and courses are offered at the Chester Center and are popular among students who opt for in-person learning:

 Explore our course catalog for more information on these and other courses. 

Visit the Chester Center Today

Explore the Chester Center campus and everything that it has to offer. These tours will provide you with the opportunity to learn about the programs that are offered at the center. 

Schedule a Visit

Discover Powerful Student Resources

If you're a student at York Tech, you know the advantages of attending a college with so many amazing student resources. But, did you know you can access many of the same services from the Chester Center? We offer assistance with financial aid, placement testing, career counseling, student advising and registration, and more. Explore all that the Chester Center has to offer to support your personal and learning goals.

Student Resources

chester center
Kevin Jones Headshot

Connect with Chester Center Advising

Meet Kevin Jones, our Chester Center Success Navigator. Kevin is part of our College Advising Team, and is responsible for assisting students at the Chester Center. He handles academic referrals, student support, goal setting and attainment, and more!

Contact Kevin

Phone: (803) 385-0464

Contact Us

Have additional questions or concerns? Feel free to reach out
and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Chester Center
525 College Place
Chester, SC 29706
Phone: (803) 385-5884

