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Student Information

  • A test will be administered only with a valid picture ID (driver's license, passport, college, or work ID,) or students may come to the Assessment Center accompanied by an instructor who verifies student identity.

  • Students MUST provide the course name and number and the instructor's name for each test they take.

  • No hats, coats, purses, backpacks, cell phones, fit bit or any other wearable technology, pagers, food, or drinks are allowed in the testing room.

  • No notes, books, dictionaries, or calculators are allowed in the testing room unless specified on the Test Cover Sheet.

  • No children are allowed in the Assessment Center.

  • Closing times are strictly enforced. Please be aware of our hours and note testing must be complete by closing! It is advisable to end tests 1 hour before closing. Please note: The Assessment Center will not begin any new test session 30 minutes prior to closing time.

Additional Information

  • Appointments are required for all testing services. Students may schedule a testing appointment through Navigate. Potential students and other community members may call or email the Assessment Center. 
  • All fees must be paid to the Cashier's Office by calling (803) 327-8027.  

  • If you have a documented disability and would like to request accommodations for testing, please contact Counseling, Accessibility, and Support Services at (803) 327-8007 or email
  • Information on using the York Technical College Assessment Center to proctor your test from another college or university is available on the Consortium of College Testing Centers website.