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York Technical College Foundation Scholarships

Achievement Scholarship Application Now Open + Fall 2025 Scholarships Update!

We’re excited to announce that the Fall 2025 scholarship cycle will open on May 20. Be sure to mark your calendars and stay tuned for updates and details on how to apply.

In the meantime, the Achievement Scholarship for incoming high school students is now open! The application deadline for this scholarship is April 12th.

For more information and to access the PDF application, please click the link below:

Achievement Scholarship Application

Thank you for your interest in advancing your academic journey through the York Technical College Foundation. We look forward to supporting your success!

Apply Now

If you prefer to view the scholarship walkthrough on a separate page, click here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Cioni at or call (803) 981-7170.

York Technical College Foundation Scholarship Opportunities Available for the Spring 2025 Cycle

Improvements to Scholarship Application Cycles

We've also made significant improvements to our scholarship cycles to better serve you! Thanks to collaborative efforts with Financial Aid, we've streamlined our scholarship application processes, focusing on two strategic scholarship periods: Fall and Spring.

What does this mean for you? It means you'll receive scholarship  award notifications well before the start of the academic term. This will offer you greater financial clarity, reduce the stress associated with education costs, and empower you to make informed decisions about your courses and expenses. It will also allow you to utilize those award funds for the full academic year. We're committed to reducing financial barriers and ensuring you have the support you need to succeed. 

We've provided an updated schedule below, outlining the open application periods and award notification dates.

Achievement Scholarship (Only incoming high school students applying for scholarships for the fall semester):

       Open Application Period - January 15th - April 12th   
       Award notification – May 6th – 10th

 Spring Cycle (Students applying for scholarships for the fall semester):        

       Open Application Period – October 1st - November 16th
       Award notification – November 26th – December 3rd

For any questions or concerns, kindly reach out to John Cioni at or call (803) 981-7170.
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Scholarship Opportunities

View a listing of all scholarship opportunities available through the YTC Foundation and other sources

Explore Opportunities
Scholarship App column 2

WED Scholarship Application

York Technical College is proud to offer scholarship opportunities to individuals enrolled in Workforce and Economic Development (WED) programs.

Download Application