Become a Leader in Health Care at York Technical College
Are you searching for a fulfilling, rewarding career in healthcare? Passionate about helping others, or interested in seeing the impact of your work in the lives of patients? If becoming a nurse is a part of your journey, York Technical College is the place to start. The Health and Human Services Division at York Technical College hosts an accredited Nursing program that produces excellent nurses with a commitment to providing top-notch client care. Here, you will be empowered with the skills you need to launch a career in a variety of healthcare settings.
As a nursing major, you will be prepared to provide direct patient care to patients in your community, learning the foundations of subject areas such as anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and psychology. You'll also take courses that teach you the nursing process, as well as the social skills you need to interact with patients and their families, such as caring, communication, critical thinking, and others. By the time you complete your coursework, you'll be ready to ace the Computer Adaptive Testing National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), which you must pass to become a registered nurse.
In addition to learning from instructors with years of experience in the classroom, you'll participate in clinical training to put your skills to use, working alongside registered nurses to provide patients with care and treatment for their specific needs. This clinical experience will prepare you for your future role and will help you craft a resume that lets you stand out among other graduates in your field.
Unlike at other nursing schools, York Tech's Nursing program requires you to rotate around to a variety of medical settings, such as hospitals, doctor's offices, community health agencies, and long-term care facilities. With experience in a wide array of facilities, you'll discover which settings you prefer working in while broadening the scope of your search for jobs or four-year universities after graduation.
Begin your journey in healthcare today and get started on the path you were destined to be on.
Explore Programs
Through the Nursing program at York Tech, you'll have the opportunity to earn one of our variety of associate degrees, as well as a diploma in Practical Nursing, and a professional certificate in Nursing Care. Browse the programs below to find one that aligns with your goals.
For a complete list of technical standards, program required forms, and admission procedures please go to the Health and Human Services department page.
Earn Your Associate Degree in Nursing
Curious about the requirements for the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program? Find all that you need to know about the requirements for the program, admission, and clinical experience below.
The ADN Program is located on YTC’s main campus. Nursing courses include campus, clinical
and laboratory hours. Students are required to drive to a variety of clinical agencies
to complete the clinical component of nursing courses. Students may be assigned to
morning, afternoon, evening or night clinical experiences anywhere in the York, Chester,
Lancaster or surrounding counties. Clinical experiences may range from four to 12
hours per clinical day, during the week and or weekends.
The ADN program accommodates only a limited number of students each enrollment term
to ensure delivery of quality education. Therefore, the Associate Degree Nursing Program
is a limited enrollment program. The wait list applicants are processed on a first-qualified,
first-served basis.
To be considered for admission, you must meet the following criteria:
- High School or GED completion (This can be in the form of an official high school transcript or an official GED score report).
- Chemistry completion (This requires a grade of “C” or better in a high school college-preparatory chemistry course OR a college chemistry course).
- Completion of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
- Required Composite score of 58.7% "Proficient or better
- Required Subcategory Reading score of 58.7% "Proficient" or better
- The TEAS can be no more than 3 years old.
- Completion of Track 1 or Track 2 as described below:
TRACK 1: Submitting Qualifying SAT Scores (no more than 5 years old)
-- AND --
TRACK 2: Nursing Care Certificate Completion |
This requires full completion of the Nursing Care Certificate with a minimum program GPA of 2.50.
Please note: Beginning January 1, 2024, students must achieve a grade of “B” or better on the 1st or 2nd attempt of BIO 210, BIO 211 & BIO 225. Grades of “W”, “D”, “F”, and “WF” are considered unsuccessful attempts. Students are limited to a maximum of 2 attempts per Bio course. If a student has attempted any one of these Bio courses and required more than 2 attempts to earn a grade of “B” or better, they must wait 5 years from their last attempt to place their name on the ADN and/or PN waiting list.
Transfer credit may be granted for nursing courses taken at other Associate or Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Programs if you meet the following criteria:
- Present your admission criteria to the Nursing Program.
- Submit a letter from the dean of nursing from the previous school attended stating that you left in good standing and are eligible for re-admission into the nursing program.
- You may be required to provide the nursing department chair with a detailed course syllabus showing course and unit objectives. Courses for which transfer credit is given must meet the objectives of the comparable York Technical College nursing courses.
- Demonstrate competency by proctored ATI computerized exam, skills check off, and previous grades.
Please note: Admission by transfer is based on space availability.
Prior to beginning clinical, you must have a completed health form to include the following:
- Physical Assessment
- Proof of two MMR vaccinations AND Rubella titer is required or if no proof of MMR is available you must have titers for each (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
- Proof of two Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccinations OR titer required
- Proof of Diphtheria-Tetanus Booster (Last booster must have been received within the past 10 years.)
- Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended (Documentation of declination is required if you do not have the vaccine.)
- Proof of two-step PPD within three months prior to entry into the program is required
- Physician’s evaluation
- COVID-19 vaccine. Please note* that York Technical College does not require the COVID-19 vaccination for students as a condition of enrollment or attendance. If you are intending to enroll in a health-care-related program, you should be aware that York Technical College maintains clinical placement agreements with healthcare facilities where students are required to complete clinical rotations as part of the requirements for their academic program. Clinical sites maintain their own policies governing vaccine and booster requirements, including the COVID-19 vaccine, and any exemption processes related to those requirements. If you choose to pursue a program that requires a clinical component, you must follow all vaccine policies and requirements of clinical sites. Vaccine requirements and the approval of exemptions are at the sole discretion of each clinical site, and clinical sites may implement and modify vaccine requirements at any time as they deem necessary.
1. You must carry liability insurance and health insurance. You will be required to submit proof of both on or before the first day of class.
2. Clinical facilities require drug screens and criminal background checks before allowing students to participate in clinical rotations. You will be financially responsible for these items. You may be required to have a drug screen at any time during your rotation. You must be eligible to attend clinical rotations at all facilities. You will be given directions on how to obtain the drug screen and criminal background report during ADN orientation.
3. Be familiar with the Nursing Student Manual.
Achievement Data
Review the ADN Student Achievement Data
Earn Your Diploma in Practical Nursing
Curious about the requirements for the Practical Nursing Diploma Program? Find all that you need to know about the requirements for the program, admission, and clinical experience below.
The PN Program is located at the Chester campus. Nursing courses include campus, clinical and laboratory hours. Students are required to drive to a variety of clinical agencies to complete the clinical component of nursing courses. PN students are expected to drive to the Chester campus for classes according to the class schedule. Students may be assigned to morning, afternoon, evening, or night clinical experiences anywhere in the York, Chester, Lancaster or surrounding counties. Clinical experiences may range from four to 12 hours per clinical day, during the week and or weekends.
The PN program accommodates only a limited number of students each enrollment term to ensure delivery of quality education. Therefore, the Practical Nursing Program is a limited enrollment program. The wait list applicants are processed on a first-qualified, first-served basis.
To be considered for admission, you must meet the following criteria:
- High School or GED completion (This can be in the form of an official high school transcript or an official GED score report)
- Completion of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS):
- Required Composite score of 58.7% "Proficient" or better
- Required Subcategory Reading score of 58.7% "Proficient" or better
- The TEAS can be no more than 3 years old.
- Minimum PN program GPA of 2.00 in classes taken at York Technical College that can be applied towards the PN program
- Completion of ONE of the following methods of qualification:
2. ACCUPLACER Minimum scores of Arithmetic 90, or Next Gen QAS 237 Sentence Skills 75, or Next Gen Writing 250. |
3. ACT Minimum scores (no more than 5 years old) of 21 English and 23 Math. |
4. 2016 SAT Minimum scores (no more than 5 years old) of 480 Reading and 570 Math. |
5. COMPASS Minimum scores of Pre-Algebra 54 and Writing 70. |
6. ASSET Minimum scores of Elementary Algebra 31, Numerical 43, and Writing 41. |
Please note: Beginning January 1, 2024, students must achieve a grade of “B” or better on the 1st or 2nd attempt of BIO 210, BIO 211 & BIO 225. Grades of “W”, “D”, “F”, and “WF” are considered unsuccessful attempts. Students are limited to a maximum of 2 attempts per Bio course. If a student has attempted any one of these Bio courses and required more than 2 attempts to earn a grade of “B” or better, they must wait 5 years from their last attempt to place their name on the ADN and/or PN waiting list.
Prior to beginning clinical, you must have a completed health form to include the following:
- Physical Assessment
- Proof of two MMR vaccinations AND Rubella titer is required or if no proof of MMR is available you must have titers for each (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
- Proof of two Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccinations OR titer required
- Proof of Diphtheria-Tetanus Booster (Last booster must have been received within the past 10 years.)
- Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended (Documentation of declination is required if you do not have the vaccine.)
- Proof of two-step PPD within three months prior to entry into the program is required
- Physician’s evaluation
- Signed Nursing Program Technical Standards by student and healthcare provider
- COVID-19 vaccine.
Please note: York Technical College does not require the COVID-19 vaccination for students as a condition of enrollment or attendance. If you are intending to enroll in a health-care-related program, you should be aware that York Technical College maintains clinical placement agreements with healthcare facilities where students are required to complete clinical rotations as part of the requirements for their academic program. Clinical sites maintain their own policies governing vaccine and booster requirements, including the COVID-19 vaccine, and any exemption processes related to those requirements. If you choose to pursue a program that requires a clinical component, you must follow all vaccine policies and requirements of clinical sites. Vaccine requirements and the approval of exemptions are at the sole discretion of each clinical site, and clinical sites may implement and modify vaccine requirements at any time as they deem necessary.
- You must carry liability insurance and health insurance. You will be required to submit
proof of both on or before the first day of class.
- Clinical facilities require drug screens and criminal background checks before allowing
students to participate in clinical rotations. You will be financially responsible
for these items. You may be required to have a drug screen at any time during your
rotation. You must be eligible to attend clinical rotations at all facilities. You
will be given directions on how to obtain the drug screen and criminal background
report during PN orientation.
- Be familiar with the Nursing Student Manual.
Achievement Data
Review the Practical Nursing Student Achievement Data
York Technical College Practical Nursing Program is approved by the South Carolina
Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
(ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000.
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for
the Practical Nursing program and the Associate in Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.
View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at