York Technical College Offers Summer Tuition Discount Two Years in a Row

For the second year, students who enroll in 2021 summer courses at York Technical College could save up to 50% in tuition and course fees. Registration is now open, and the first summer session begins on Monday, May 17.
The discounted tuition rates will vary based on the number of credit hours in which a student enrolls. Summer classes provide an opportunity for students to get ahead in their studies, accelerate program completion, or improve their grade point average. Additionally, students who attend four-year institutions who are home for the summer, may also take advantage of the summer savings by enrolling in courses at York Tech.
“York Technical College is pleased to offer our summer courses at an affordable and cost-saving rate,” said York Technical College President Dr. Greg F. Rutherford. “Enrolling in summer school provides students with the same great quality education that is offered in the spring and fall semesters and provides a significant opportunity for them to further their studies through accessible and flexible terms that best fits their needs.”
The College is offering the reduced tuition rates for summer courses to meet the needs of students, especially those who faced disruptions in their education plans and goals due to the pandemic.
While the College is happy to welcome students back to campus for summer courses, it is imperative that safety protocols are adhered to. While on campus, students must maintain a physical distance of six feet, wear a protective face-covering and frequently wash or sanitize their hands; in addition to other recommendations from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and Centers for Disease Control.
The Summer 2021 session dates are as follows:
May 17 - July 13: 8-week session
May 17 - June 11: 4-week session
July 14 - August 9: 4-week session
For more information on summer course offerings or to register, visit: yorktech.edu/Summer.