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York Technical College Donates Supplies to Piedmont Medical Center

Apr 16, 2020news

PMC Donation

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, York Technical College donated several boxes of medical supplies to Piedmont Medical Center. The donation will help offset the shortage and backorder of medical supplies and help keep healthcare professionals safe as they continue to care for the community during the pandemic.

“As we all find ourselves amid this unfortunate crisis, York Technical College wanted to make good use of the items the College had that were currently not being utilized,” said York Technical College President Dr. Greg F. Rutherford. “The College acknowledges and admires all of the hard work of healthcare workers and the efforts being made all around the world as they continue to keep our families safe.” 

Items given to the Rock Hill hospital included gowns, several boxes of gloves, masks and face shields, and so much more. The donated supplies came from the academic laboratories and classrooms of the College’s health programs within the Health and Human Services Division. Because the College is not currently offering any in-person instruction or labs during the current pandemic, the donation allows the supplies to help meet a critical need.

“The generosity of the supplies donated by York Technical College shows true dedication to assisting our team in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in our communities,” said Mark Nosacka, CEO of Piedmont Medical Center. “We are very appreciative of the desire local residents, businesses and organizations have to support our hospital, and in many cases their friends and families who are working tirelessly to care for patients. Thank you York Tech!”

The College also plans to donate additional medical supply items from its Chester Center to other hospitals and facilities in need. Hospitals across the nation face a shortage of personal protective equipment.

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