York Technical College Discounts Tuition for Summer Courses

Students who enroll at York Technical College could save up to 50% in tuition and course fees when registering to take summer 2020 courses. Registration is now open, and the first summer session begins May 18.
The College will offer all of its summer 2020 courses in an online format. The discounted tuition rates will vary based on the number of credit hours in which a student enrolls. Summer classes provide an opportunity for students to catch up, accelerate program completion, or improve their grade point average. They are an excellent opportunity and savings for students attending a four-year institution but are home for the summer.
“York Technical College already offers the best value education that is affordable, accessible, and local. Now we are offering students an opportunity to further their studies at an even lower cost when they enroll in our summer courses,” said York Technical College President Dr. Greg F. Rutherford. “During these difficult times, it’s important that we continue to offer the same quality education that we provide to students that they receive when they attend classes on-campus. Since most schools will be offering classes online only this summer, students enrolling at York Tech will see significant cost savings compared to their peers enrolling elsewhere.”
While summer classes will be online, certain lab courses will have an in-person attendance requirement. These classes will begin with online content on their scheduled start date, and in-person, on-campus content will begin June 15. To allow for strict social distancing, these course sections will maintain minimal capacity. Additionally, faculty and students will be required to wear personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves and adhere to other recommendations from South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and Centers for Disease Control.
The Summer 2020 session dates are as follows:
May 18 - August 7 (10-week session)
May 18 - July 15 (8-week session)
May 18 - June 12 (Maymester, 4- week session)
June 15 - July 15 (4-week session)
July 16 - August 10 (4-week session)
York Technical College has been offering online classes for over 20 years.
For more information on summer course offerings or to register, visit yorktech.edu/summer.