Reconnect with York Tech Program to Continue in Spring

Due to the overwhelming response and initial success of York Technical College’s Reconnect with York Tech program, it will return in the spring.
Reconnect with York Tech is a program for former students of the College, allowing them to return to complete their program of study. Its purpose is to help students advance their career, earn higher wages or jumpstart a job in a new industry.
Since its inception in the summer, the College welcomed and enrolled more than 200 students.
“We are working to support the students who have started and now continue to enroll those that want to restart this spring,” said Monique Perry, the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management at York Tech. “Our communities in York, Chester and Lancaster Counties have rallied around this program and supported the College’s efforts to provide opportunities for adults to finish what we started."
Reconnect participants may choose to enroll in one of more than 50 select programs offered at York Tech to earn a certificate, diploma, or degree that can be completed in 15 months or less. Students receive a tuition grant to support their reentry to the College as long as they meet the program’s requirements, being a resident of York, Chester or Lancaster counties and maintaining a 2.0 grade point average.
“This is truly our York Tech mission at work and we remain excited to continue Reconnect as we enroll returning students for spring 2020,” added Perry.