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York Tech's Phi Theta Kappa Wins Over 10 Awards at Regional Convention

Mar 20, 2023news

Students, Faculty and Staff involved in Phi Theta Kappa

On Saturday, March 18, 2023, the Phi Theta Kappa chapter at York Technical College received over 10 awards at the Phi Theta Kappa Carolina's Convention in Columbia. We are incredibly proud of all students and advisors in Phi Theta Kappa. All recognitions are listed below:

  • Honors In Action Topic Award: Theme 3 – The highest scoring project in this subtheme of the seven possible themes.

  • College Project Award – Members of the chapter went above and beyond with their work to actively improve York Technical College. The chapter has a chance to also receive this award at an international level. 

  • Distinguished Chapter Award – The chapter must meet a minimum score from a checklist. The score is a combination of the overall scores for a variety of involvement and projects completed throughout the year.

  • Most Distinguished Chapter 3rd Finalist (4th in our region out of 83) – Ranking of all of the chapter's combined scores from the Distinguished Chapter Award. 

  • Distinguished Chapter Member: Lindsay Woodring (recipient) – Distinguished Chapter Members are selected based on a student's embodiment of the Hallmarks of the Society through Honors in Action and other chapter activities. Lindsay has a chance to also receive this award at an international level.

  • Distinguished Chapter Officer Honorable Mention: Leigh Noland (recipient) – Distinguished Chapter Officers are selected based on a their embodiment of the Hallmarks of the Society through Honors in Action and other chapter activities.

  • Distinguished Advisor: Heather Eddy (recipient) – Advisors with at least four or more years of service as of January 11, 2023 qualify. Heather Eddy has also won this award on an international level.

  • Distinguished Officer Team: Katie Wyns, Leigh Noland, Gabe McDonald, Lamar Patterson (recipients) – The officers should demonstrate an exceptional atmosphere of teamwork, leadership abilities, promotion of Honors in Action and other engagement in the Society, and enthusiasm for the Society’s Hallmarks. This team has a chance to also receive this award at an international level.

  • 5-Star Chapter: The chapter must meet more than 10 requirements throughout the year. This was earned through the hard work of a dedicated team of students, and advisors.

  • Carolinas Hall of Honor: Lindsay Woodring (recipent/inductee) – Lindsay's receipt of the Distinguished Chapter Member Award automatically entered her into the Carolinas Hall of Honor.

  • Carolinas Superstar: The chapter must participate in a variety of fundraising and action based service projects throughout the year, submit articles to the Carolinas Regional Newsletter, and attend regional or international events. 

  • Completion of the Edge Professional Development Courses in 2022
    • Healthcare Edge: Leigh Noland, Elizabeth Koontz, Isabella Riggs
    • Competitive Edge: Lamar Patterson, Katie Wyns, Christian Howze, Amy Gonzalez
    • Transfer Edge: Lamar Patterson, Isabella Riggs, Katie Wyns, Van Saltar, Heather Eddy
    • Research Edge: Lamar Patterson, Isabella Riggs, Katie Wyns, Amy Gonzalez, Heather Eddy
    • Employment Edge: Harmony Doku, Amy Gonzalez, Lamar Patterson, Katie Wyns, Gabe McDonald
    • Five-Star Advisor Edge: Heather Eddy