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York Technical College Selects Mascot

Nov 16, 2023

Wolf Mascot Logo and College Logo

After many months of strategic planning and design work, York Technical College narrowed its mascot selection to two options: the Wolf and the Gryphon. In late August, our student body and greater community received a survey, allowing them to choose between the wolf and gryphon. We are excited to announce the winner is the Wolf!

We could not be happier with their choice, and we look forward to seeing how the identity of the wolf will shape our college going forward.

Furthermore, without knowing which option students chose, our faculty and staff were given the distinction of naming the mascot. After two additional surveys, we are proud to share the wolf’s name is Titan!

Although we have the mascot and name selected, we aren’t quite ready to introduce Titan to the world yet. Our students and community provided great feedback in the initial survey at the end of August, and as a result, we are making additional adjustments and creating a plan to officially bring Titan to campus in 2024.

Thank you to everyone who used their voice to make this historic decision possible. We are grateful for our students, faculty, staff, and community for their continued support of York Technical College.