York Technical College Invites Organizations to Join Career Fair
We are excited to host the York Technical College Fall 2023 Career Fair October 25th & 26th at the Anne Springs Close Learning Commons, 452 Anderson Road S., Rock Hill, SC 29730.
There are two date options with daytime and evening events to provide opportunities
for all our students and alumni to connect with companies and careers.
To allow all companies equal opportunity, we ask that you only register for one event. If you are interested in attending more than one, please email us and we will let you know availability and details.
*We encourage all healthcare organizations to register for the Thursday, Oct 26th date, as this is the most conducive to those program students’ availability to attend.
All organizations will need to create a 'student profile' to register online. If you have questions or issues, please email ahogon@yorktech.edu or tmonroe@yorktech.edu for assistance.
Please see the links below to register. Registration includes one display table, chairs, and 2 tickets for our food truck.
October 25th Day
Career Fair Vendor Registration - York Tech-WED (augusoft.net)
October 25th Evening
Career Fair Vendor Registration - York Tech-WED (augusoft.net)
October 26th Day
Career Fair Vendor Registration - York Tech-WED (augusoft.net)
Questions? Contact us.
Thomas Monroe
Ashley Hogon
Thank you for your interest in supporting our students/alumni, and we look forward to your attending the Fall Career Fair!