Celebrating National Lineman Appreciation Day
Apr 18, 2018news

April 18 marks National Lineman Appreciation Day, and I’d like to thank our local
lineworkers for their commitment to keeping our power reliable and our community safe.
Being a lineworker is no small feat – it requires long hours, time away from family
and the willingness to work in dangerous conditions. And it takes considerable training.
Through the Utility Lineworker Program at York Technical College, we help power up the careers for 100 percent of our graduates. The program is designed to offer hands-on experience and training to help build a skilled workforce for South Carolina’s energy industry. Students graduate and go on to work for municipal power providers like City of Rock Hill, York Electric Cooperative and regional cooperatives, Duke Energy and other utilities who serve our state.
We are also taking a proactive approach to ensuring diversity is represented within the workforce with the Duke Energy Utility Line Worker Diversity Scholarship Program. Together, with our partner, the Duke Energy Foundation, we are making an investment in our community’s future.
The next time you see a lineworker, remember the sacrifice they make every day to keep the lights on – so you don’t have to think about it. On behalf of York Technical College, we appreciate the service and noble example our local lineworkers provide for the next generation. We’re certainly in good hands.
Greg Rutherford – President, York Technical College
Through the Utility Lineworker Program at York Technical College, we help power up the careers for 100 percent of our graduates. The program is designed to offer hands-on experience and training to help build a skilled workforce for South Carolina’s energy industry. Students graduate and go on to work for municipal power providers like City of Rock Hill, York Electric Cooperative and regional cooperatives, Duke Energy and other utilities who serve our state.
We are also taking a proactive approach to ensuring diversity is represented within the workforce with the Duke Energy Utility Line Worker Diversity Scholarship Program. Together, with our partner, the Duke Energy Foundation, we are making an investment in our community’s future.
The next time you see a lineworker, remember the sacrifice they make every day to keep the lights on – so you don’t have to think about it. On behalf of York Technical College, we appreciate the service and noble example our local lineworkers provide for the next generation. We’re certainly in good hands.
Greg Rutherford – President, York Technical College