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Exemption Tests

Students may challenge certain courses if they feel they can make a satisfactory score on a test covering the course material. The college requires a nonrefundable testing fee for each test a student attempts. If a student passes an exemption test for a required and or an elective course, the credit hours for that course will be included on his official college transcript. The letter grade of "E" assigned to an exempted course does not change the student's grade point ratio.


Advanced Placement Testing Program (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students enrolled at York Technical College may apply to receive credit for Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject area tests for which there is a comparable York Technical College course. Students who wish to receive such credit must arrange to have their AP or CLEP scores sent from the College Board Testing Service to the Academic Records Office. For further information, students should contact the Academic Records Office.


Computer-based CLEP examinations are offered by appointment only. Please contact the Assessment Center to schedule an appointment.

How to Register

You can create and manage your personal account through the My Account registration portal found at The registration platform will allow you to register for a CLEP exam 24/7, manage your personal information any time prior to taking the exam, search for test centers, select your score recipient institution, and purchase study materials.

Please Note: All exam and study material purchases are non-refundable. Once you register, make sure to print your registration ticket to present to the test center on test day.

Register today! Registering for an exam provides you with a payment receipt and a Ticket ID, but you must contact the test center to schedule the date and time you wish to take the test. Print the voucher and bring with your York Tech receipt to your appointment.

Schedule your appointment with the Assessment Center in A Building room 203, by phone 981-7176, or email: Pay the $30 CLEP proctor fee by calling the Cashier’s Office at (803) 327-8027. Bring your receipt and voucher to the Assessment Center for your appointment.


Appointment Times

All tests are by appointment only. Please call the Assessment Center to schedule your appointment.

Note: If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, please reach out to Counseling, Accessibility, and Support Services at 803-327-8007 prior to your scheduled testing date. 


On Exam Day

Be prepared to bring the following to the Assessment Center:

  • Voucher Ticker from your CLEP – College Board account 

  • Driver’s License, passport, military ID, or other state issued identification 

  • If you do not have a government issued photo ID and are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian may verify your identity. Please contact the Assessment Center for more information.