Past COVID-19 Updates
April 9, 2021
As of Monday, April 5, 2021, York Technical College returned to normal campus operations,
the last phase of its reopening plan. The main campus and off-site location are now
fully functioning with on-site operations.
Safety procedures remain in place to protect the safety of students, visitors and
employees. When on campus, it is imperative that face coverings are worn, and a social
distance of at least six feet is maintained.
Safety and student success remain the College’s top priorities. The College’s Crisis
Management Team will continue to closely monitor and assess the potential spread of
the virus, as well as existing policies and procedures to mitigate it.
August 19, 2020
As of August 3, York Technical College is in Phase III of its reopening plan. The main campus and off-site locations remain closed to the general public.
The fall semester began on August 19. Essential employees and select personnel who are providing in-person instruction, as well as those offering support services, are reporting to work on campus. Additionally, students enrolled in some career and technical program courses and select hybrid general education classes, will more than likely be on campus this fall.
The College will not move forward with Phase IV until the virus has been contained. York Technical College’s Crisis Management Team continues to follow the ever-changing dynamics related to the pandemic.
It is important for faculty, staff, and students to remember to adhere to all on-campus safety protocols, including wearing a face mask and practicing social distancing whenever accessing any campus facility.
July 20, 2020
In preparation for fall courses that begin on August 19, the College has made numerous strides to protect the health and safety of York Technical College’s students and employees.
Currently, the College is in Phase II of returning to campus. Essential employees needed to provide in-person instruction and select support services for the remaining summer session have been reporting to campus since the beginning of the month. For students enrolled in summer lab courses, or those without a computer at home; they now have computer lab access in Building A, rooms 246-247.
Please keep in mind that face masks and social distancing is required of all persons who are on campus. The campus still remains closed to the general public. Phase III is slated to start no later than August 3, and depending on the containment of the virus, the campus may open to the public then. Phase IV is scheduled to begin on August 19.
June 17, 2020
In order to help protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of our students and employees, York Technical College’s fall 2020 schedule will be a combination of in-person, hybrid and online courses. Fall courses begin August 19.
As of June 15, the College is now in its Phase I of returning to campus that began with the return of essential employees, along with faculty and students who teach and need in-person labs. It is important to note that the campus is still closed to the general public.
Students who are enrolled in select career and technical programs such as lab or shop courses, will more than likely attend courses in-person. Those offerings will be prioritized for first responder, front-line healthcare occupations, and public safety. Additional in-person programs include those with refined skills, heavy machinery, extreme physical performance and or those in critical infrastructure areas.
For courses that do not require in-person engagement, all courses for fall 2020 will be taught in hybrid, asynchronous online, or web-enhanced online modalities. Students will be notified of any changes to their existing fall schedules. Students will also receive course-specific scheduling information from their instructors.
Through all phases of reopening (Phase I-Phase IV), the College will require all students and employees to wear face masks/coverings inside buildings and classrooms and follow all safety protocols, including social distancing. The College has also enhanced its safety measures and includes cleaning and sanitizing, precautionary (plexiglass) barriers in public areas, social distancing markers throughout the campuses, and purchasing of personal safety supplies for students and employees.
Phase II is expected to start no later than July 1, and will include essential employees who are needed to provide priority in-person instruction and select support services reporting to campus. Additionally, Phase III is slated to start no later than August 3, and Phase IV is scheduled to begin on August 19.
For questions, safety protocols and for all other information, students can download
the COVID-19 Guide For Students Returning To Campus. Employees are encouraged to view
the COVID-19 Return To Workplace Guide on the employee portal.
April 28, 2020
York Technical College will offer all courses for Summer 2020 online. The first summer term begins May 18.
For specific lab courses that require students to attend class physically, they will begin with online content on their scheduled start date, and in-person, on-campus content will begin June 15. Students will be afforded significant flexibility for the in-person lab sessions. These sessions will have a minimal capacity to allow for strict social distancing, and students will be required to wear personal protective devices such as masks and gloves. We will follow safety protocols and directives from the Centers for Disease Control and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control during the lab sessions.
For Fall 2020, we plan to offer a full slate of online, hybrid, and in-person classes. Registration is now open for summer and fall courses.
Please save the date as we honor our 2020 graduates with a Virtual Commencement Ceremony on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 7 p.m. More information will be provided soon.
March 30, 2020
For the past few weeks now, each day has brought new developments and unanticipated mandates. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus has completely upended our lives in ways we never could have imagined. Thank you for being REAL, BOLD, and BETTER in this unprecedented situation!
As part of that effort to minimize community spread and in adherence with the Governor’s Executive Order, the College’s campus locations will remain closed through April 30. Nonetheless, our mission remains unchanged – we are committed to student success.
Spring online classes are well underway. We understand that for many of our students the online format is new and may be challenging. Faculty and staff remain committed to helping students during this transition. Students are encouraged to reach out to their instructors, academic coaches and tutors, or advisor for any assistance they may need.
Plans are already underway for summer and fall classes. Registration for summer and fall opens Wednesday, April 1. We anticipate still offering all of the planned terms for summer, including the new four-week Maymester term. Given our current circumstance, we are mindful that our summer courses may also be offered in an online-only format.
Our Spring Commencement Ceremony, scheduled for May 12, 2020 will be postponed to a later date. We are working to identify ways to still honor and celebrate our 2020 graduates in a manner that is feasible and respectful.
Please continue to practice social distancing. Our local healthcare professionals
have charged us to do so; this is the only way we can help minimize the number of
people infected with this horrible virus. COVID-19 has the potential to be more devastating
than anything we’ve ever seen before. So, please, do your part! Stay home, practice
good hygiene, avoid contact with people outside of your home as much as possible,
and seek medical attention if you are sick.
Frequently Asked Questions
COVID-19 Question and Concern Form
March 18, 2020
We realize that you may have several questions you would like to ask us. Below, please
find a link to a list of Frequently Asked Questions we’ve developed to help students
understand the impact of COVID-19 to their classes and College operations.
Please know that this is an unprecedented situation for all of us. The College’s faculty
and staff are working diligently to make this transition as smooth as possible. Please be patient with us and know that your safety, well-being, and academic success
are our top priorities.
Frequently Asked Questions for Online Classes and College Operations Due to COVID-19
March 16, 2020
In response to SC Executive Order 2020-09, York Technical College’s campus locations
will remain closed through March 31, 2020. However, instruction, academic and student
services, and business operations will continue as best as possible remotely.
All classes will resume or begin on Monday, March 23, 2020 in an online format. Remote access to student support services, academic advising services, etc. will
be available to students beginning Wednesday, March 18. Additionally, this page will
be updated with FAQs and other pertinent information for students by Wednesday, March
We are constantly working to provide all of the resources necessary to ensure our
ability to maintain academic and business operations. As new information becomes available,
we will be certain to communicate all necessary details as best possible. We appreciate
your patience and understanding as we all navigate through this unprecedented time.
March 12, 2020
In an effort to proactively do our part in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing techniques as advised by the Centers for Disease Control, while ensuring consistency in our academic operations, York Technical College will shift its courses to an online format, beginning March 23, 2020 through the end of the spring semester, May 8, 2020. Courses that have a laboratory or clinical component may still require in-person instruction and attendance. Specific information for these courses will be communicated directly to students by their respective instructor(s).
In order to allow the College the necessary preparation time needed to make the transition to online courses, Spring Break for students is extended through March 20, 2020. Classes will resume on Monday, March 23, 2020.
Academic and student support services will remain available for students. Some of these services may be offered remotely. Additional information will be forthcoming. Furthermore, on-campus events and activities are also suspended until further notice.
The Enrollment Services team will also be working to provide as many services as possible virtually; however, the office remains open and welcomes prospective students and their families to visit campus.
Additionally, the College will suspend all non-essential business and student travel outside its tri-county service area through May 2020. Essential travel is determined by deans, associate vice presidents, and vice presidents. Employees who have recently traveled within or outside of our service area and believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19, should contact the College’s Office of Human Resources for additional information.
Please note, the College is not closed and we do not intend to do so at this time. Faculty and staff will continue to have access to their offices. Computer labs, the Anne Springs Close Learning Commons, and other resources remain available to students. While services and amenities may be limited on-campus, we remain committed to providing quality teaching and learning, and exceptional customer service.
While social distancing is just one of the ways to help minimize the spread of COVID-19, you are strongly encouraged to continue practicing good hygiene, take care of your health, use an abundance of caution and discretion when traveling, and keep abreast of accurate information and developments of the virus by visiting the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and Centers for Disease Control websites. The College will also continue with its enhanced cleaning standards, providing disinfecting wipes for offices and laboratories, and maintaining hand sanitizer stations throughout campus.
If you have questions, suggestions, or to report concerns regarding the impact of COVID-19 to our campus community, please complete this form. A member of the Crisis Management Team will respond as quickly as possible.
YTC COVID-19 Question & Concern Form
March 5, 2020
At this time there are no confirmed cases in South Carolina and the CDC considers the immediate health risk to the general American public as low. Nevertheless, the College’s CMT is prepared to act quickly, if needed, to help protect the health of our campus community.
Here’s a few important steps that you can take for your own personal wellness and help us maintain a healthy campus community.
Know the facts. There is misinformation about the virus circulating. Make sure you have the facts and current information by visiting the SC DHEC and CDC websites.
If you are sick, stay home. Avoid contact with others until you are well.
Always practice good hygiene. Good hygiene is not only a good practice, but helps prevent the spread of cold, flu, and other illnesses.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Be certain to cover coughs and sneezes.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid sharing food, cups, utensils, etc.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
When possible, limit physical contact with other people. It is highly recommended that people limit their physical exchanges with people. For
example, instead of a handshake, try a fist or elbow bump.
We take the health and wellness of our campus community seriously. Updated information will be provided as warranted by new developments on this page.