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Academic Coaching and Tutoring

The mission of the Academic Coaching and Tutoring Center at York Technical College is to help students become independent, self-confident, and efficient learners. Our services help foster student success and retention through the mastery of academic skills and course content.

Our goals are to:

  • Help students learn and apply appropriate academic skills and strategies to promote success in academic work.
  • Help students develop a positive attitude toward learning and confidence in their ability to learn.
  • Introduce students to the learning expectations of college-level course work.
  • Support the academic standards of York Technical College.
  • Help students achieve their potential for learning. 


Any student enrolled at York Tech is eligible to participate in Academic Coaching. Academic coaches will meet one-on-one to help students

  • understand a syllabus
  • prepare for exams
  • get organized
  • read more effectively
  • conquer procrastination
  • and more!

Tutoring Attendance Policy

Our services are free and open to all enrolled students but resources are limited. In order to serve as many students as possible, we have an attendance policy. As such, if a student misses three scheduled tutoring appointments in a row without prior cancellation, the student may not be able to schedule additional appointments during that term. Students may begin scheduling appointments again at the start of the next term.