Not sure you need counseling? Students can take convenient online Mental Health Screenings to see if counseling could be beneficial.
CASS provides professional counseling, at no charge, for all YTC students through
phone, virtual and in-person sessions. Appointments can be scheduled by calling, emailing,
or through Navigate. Students will be asked to complete an intake questionnaire prior to their first
appointment with a Counselor.
Confidentiality is a priority consideration so students can be assured of their privacy
when seeking assistance. CASS follows the ethical guidelines for confidentiality set
forth by the American Counseling Association and the South Carolina Board of Examiners
for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Code of Ethics (Chapter 36). Any counseling
records are maintained separately from a student’s academic records. Confidentiality
is fully explained in the “Informed Consent” section of the intake questionnaire.
Students will be able to address any concerns or questions concerning confidentiality
when they meet with a Counselor.
In addition to services through CASS, students can access counseling services through
our Student Assistance Program. Services are available 24/7/365. For more information,
visit their website at, call 800-633-3353, or download the MYGroup app, available at the Apple App Store
or Google Play Store.
You can also access a variety of online self-help and wellness information through
the work-life services site! To explore the site, you can access directly through
the Student Assistance Program icon on your Navigate app or follow this path: > Current Participants > Student Resources > Access Student-Life Services. Then,
use the following to login:
- Username: ytcsap
- Password: guest
College can be a stressful experience, and taking time for self-care is very important.
There are different areas of self-care, so be sure that your self-care routine is
well-rounded. See the following suggestions to help you take the best care of yourself
and your mental health!
Please note! The listed suggestions and resources can be helpful but cannot take the
place of therapy if you find you are not able to follow through with the suggestions.
If you are struggling with your mental health, please schedule mental health counseling
through CASS or our Student Assistance Program.
Physical Self-Care:
- Eat healthy foods
- Take care of personal hygiene
- Wear clothes that help you feel good about yourself
- Eat regularly
- Participate in fun activities (e.g. walking, swimming, dancing, sports)
- Rest when sick
Psychological/Emotional Self-Care:
- Take time off from work, school, and other obligations
- Participate in hobbies
- Get away from distractions (e.g. talking, creating art, journaling)
- Recognize your strengths and achievements
- Go on vacations or day trips
- Do something comforting (e.g. re-watch a favorite movie, take a long bath)
- Find reasons to laugh
- Talk about your problems
Social Self-Care:
- Spend time with people you like
- Call or text friends and family who are far away
- Have stimulating conversations
- Meet new people
- Ask others for help when needed
- Do enjoyable activities with other people
- Keep in touch with old friends
Spiritual Self-Care:
- Spend time in nature
- Meditate
- Pray
- Recognize the things that give meaning to your life
- Act in accordance with your morals and values
- Set aside time for thought and reflection
- Participate in a cause that is important to you
Educational Self-Care:
- Improve your communication skills
- Learn new things related to your future career
- Take breaks while studying
- Say “no” to excessive responsibilities
- Seek career counseling if you are not sure about your career/major
- Speak to professionals in your future career
- Maintain balance between your school life and personal life
- Keep a comfortable environment that allows you to be successful
- Limit distractions
Does any of the following describe you or a loved one? If so, it may be time to see
a Counselor.
- Feeling hopeless?
- Feeling angry and/or acting out?
- Being impulsive and reckless?
- Feeling trapped?
- Increased use of alcohol and/or drugs?
- Isolating yourself and withdrawing from others?
- Feeling anxious and agitated?
- Having difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much?
- Experiencing drastic changes in mood (including improvement)?
- Feeling purposeless or finding no meaning in life?
- Trouble with concentration or planning for class?
- Having a hard time expressing feelings or feeling numb?
Need some help but don’t currently wish to participate in counseling?
CASS has a variety of recorded presentations you can request. Topics include self-care,
time management, test anxiety, stress management, relationship and family conflict
and more. Click here to review the list and request the link(s) to our program(s).
In addition to the counseling provided through CASS and our Student Assistance Program,
CASS recommends the following resources that address a variety of mental health and
personal issues:
If you are experiencing an emergency, please reach out to 911 or the Suicide and Crisis
Lifeline at 988.
Accessibility Services coordinates services and accommodations for students with a
documented diagnosis, including but not limited to physical, learning, and psychological
disabilities. These services provide equal educational opportunities to students by
minimizing the impact of functional limitations on their academic lives.
Click here to visit the Accessibility Services page for more information.
If you are pregnant, recently experienced a miscarriage, or recently given birth,
CASS is here to support you. Title IX (federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination
on the basis of sex in education programs and activities) assures that you receive
appropriate accommodations to address the impacts of pregnancy and childbirth.
See our Pregnancy & Childbirth Support/Accommodations: Student Instructions & Information to learn about the steps you need to take to access support.
Are you currently nursing? If you find you need a place to tend to any nursing needs,
there is a lactation lounge located in the H Building. Click here for more information about accessing this space.
CASS is the home for YTC’s Veteran & Military Services. Click below to visit the VMS
site to learn more about all that is available to support those who have and are currently
serving our country. All military affiliated students are also welcome to access our
services and support.
View Veteran and Military Services
Students who are returning from academic suspension must participate in at least one
academic counseling session prior to registering for classes and will have a registration
hold on their record until they have this meeting. The first step to scheduling this
meeting is completing an academic self-evaluation. Once this evaluation is complete,
a staff member will contact the student with a link to schedule with a Counselor.
Students should email if they need the link to the evaluation.
For more information and explanations related to Academic Standing, students should
refer to the York Technical College Course Catalog & Student Handbook.
Academic counseling is a service that is available to all students. Any student wishing
to discuss issues such as motivation, time management, communication with instructors
and other obstacles to academic success may schedule an academic counseling appointment
by calling, emailing, or through Navigate.
Students wishing to completely drop/withdraw from all courses for an entire semester
or term, such as an 8-week term, should contact CASS. We will discuss the impacts
of dropping/withdrawing from the course(s) and process the request. Students can call,
email or visit us in J building to discuss with a staff member. They can also schedule
an “academic counseling” appointment through Navigate.
Students can drop classes themselves prior to the start of the classes and during
the drop period. However, if they have any concerns about dropping or are unsure if
this is the best option, they are encouraged to discuss with a CASS staff member.
Students wishing to withdraw from part of their courses for a semester, or term, should
contact the instructor for the course(s).
Review our Frequently Asked Questions for Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes for more information. Students should discuss any questions with a staff member in
CASS and/or a Financial Aid staff member. These FAQs do not cover every situation
and address all possible issues or concerns.
We have an entire page dedicated to resources in our community and on campus that
can help you overcome struggles with a variety of needs including housing, childcare,
food insecurity, and being able to pay your bills . Click the following:
Discover Resources Available to You
In compliance with Title IX (Non-Discrimination) and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination
Act (SaVE Act), which strengthens measures to prevent sexual violence on college campuses,
York Technical College provides this interactive training workshop for its students.
This online course contains interesting, real-life college situations and guidance
on how to respond to some challenging situations. There is no extra cost to you to
participate in this workshop. We encourage all YTC students complete the workshop.
It only takes about 20 minutes.
To begin, please click on the sign-in link:
Students who are sick or have symptoms of COVID-19 should review the guidelines on
the Coronavirus Information page and consult with their instructor(s) regarding the need to miss any classes, labs,
or clinicals. Students who need to be absent for more than a week should complete
the Short Term Temporary Accommodations Request. Once this form is completed, a CASS staff member will reach out to schedule an appointment
with the student and will collect documentation and advocate for any needed accommodations
regarding absences and make up work.
Christie Williams Director (803) 981-7060
Kendall Lowery Student Accessibility Coordinator (803) 325-2894
Linda Tennant Student Accessibility Specialist (803) 325-2896
Ashley Hernandez Professional Counselor (803) 981-7190
Shelby Jackson Professional Counselor (803) 981-7033
Teresa Roberts Office Manager (803) 981-7733