Alumni Stories - Ginny West
Ginny West (Dental Assisting)

“I am very appreciative of the experiences that I’ve had at York Tech as a student and as an employee. The door opened for me as an employee because I got my education here and that led me to a place that I could stay and eventually retire from and make lifelong connections with so many of these people. I would suggest that anybody take the opportunity to take a good look at York Tech and if you don’t live here, any community college because you’re going to find that there’s more than meets the eye.”
Ginny's warmth and outgoing personality consistently make those around her feel welcome. She gives a nod to the coursework, teachers, and challenges she faced both as a student and as an employee for helping shape her into the person she is today. As a cherished member of our community, Ginny has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the York Tech legacy. Here’s what Ginny says about her growth and time and York Tech:
“I have matured a lot over the years here. It taught me a lot about listening to students and traveling through that journey with them. I love the fact that new students would come into the dental programs and see them be one way when they arrived, but I love seeing them evolve into these professional clinicians over the course of their program. I also think I’ve mellowed out and I’ve found my voice. I grew far more comfortable with working with students and in this environment in a dental setting. Coming to an environment where there are 300 employees, you learn to deal with people of all different types of personalities. I had a great teacher in the Associate Vice President that I worked for, who taught me so much about this college and how one thing interacts with the other thing, and they’re all connected together. It made me have a great appreciation for higher education, but moreover for York Tech and how it works and how it runs.”
With a job placement rate above 90%, York Tech opens doors for its students, but it doesn’t stop when you get that job. As Ginny states, the knowledge and experience you gain from York Tech is invaluable and will give you guidance for years to come:
“I had been a student at a four year university and my major was business education which at the back – back in 1978 – consisted of shorthand typing. It’s not what business education is now, and it would probably in hindsight have been a good major, but I panicked when I realized I didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life, and I needed to do something else, but didn’t know what. I saw the program at York Tech was available and it piqued my interest, so I applied and started that August. It has opened doors for me all the rest of my life really.”
Whether you're seeking a career change, beginning your professional journey, or still exploring your options, York Tech provides the resources you need to succeed—and we're committed to your success. Ginny's journey is a testament to how the York Tech experience supports you throughout your life, wherever your next step takes you. It might even lead to a career right here on campus, just as it did for Ginny.