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Law Enforcement and Safety

Law Enforcement and Safety


Each member of the Law Enforcement and Safety office is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all  campus community members at York Technical College. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with all safety services offered and extend an invitation to you to become a safety partner with us to help provide a safe and harmonious learning environment.

York Technical College Law Enforcement and Safety has both Campus Police Officers, and Campus Safety personnel. Each Campus Police Officer is South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy trained and is appointed by the Governor of South Carolina as a State Constable giving them statewide power of arrest. Additionally, each member of the Law Enforcement and Safety team is CPR, First Aid, and A.E.D certified by our own nationally registered, advanced E.M.T team member.

Members of the Law Enforcement and Safety office are held to the highest level of personal and professional excellence and ethical standards. The safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors is our primary concern, we take this responsibility very seriously. The campus community can also help by reporting any safety concerns or suggestions to the Law Enforcement and Safety office by calling (803) 327-8013, or by contacting me directly via email at

A truly safe campus takes cooperation from each person that studies, works, or visits York Technical College. Thank you for your cooperation and for your partnership, I look forward to seeing each of you on campus.

Chief Brian P. Perry
Law Enforcement and Safety


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